Charlie Charlie Horror Game: The Viral Challenge That Has Everyone Asking - Is It Real?
Charlie Charlie, Are You Here? is the newest scary game that swept the world, engaging the attention of young players with the promise that it can summon spirits to answer yes-or-no questions. Its origin is very mysterious, its rules are relatively simple, but the impact on the psyche is profound. Here’s why it’s so appealing and so creepy at the same time.
The Origins of Charlie Charlie:
Charlie Charlie’s origins only can be described as very intriguing and ambiguous. So often defined as a “Mexican ghost game,” an entity called “Charlie” certainly cannot be traced throughout history. This game somehow just started popping up in all sorts of media around 2015, like Vine and YouTube. Similar “pencil games” have appeared in other cultures, often as cheaper alternatives to Ouija boards, which people use to talk to spirits. Unlike the more elaborate setup of a Ouija board, Charlie Charlie only needs a piece of paper, two pencils, and a desire to play, which catapulted it to fame.
How to Play the Game?
The setup for Charlie Charlie is straightforward:
Draw a cross on a piece of paper, dividing it into four quadrants that you label “Yes” and “No.”
Place one pencil on the paper horizontally balancing…